Sickle Cell Disease

What Is Sickle Cell Disease?

Sickle cell disease comprises a collection of hereditary disorders transmitted within families. Individuals with this condition possess abnormal hemoglobin in their red blood cells, known as hemoglobin S or sickle hemoglobin.

In the United States, around 100,000 people are impacted by sickle cell disease (SCD), with a higher prevalence among individuals of African descent, occurring in approximately 1 out of every 365 African-American births.

Sickle cell anemia occurs when a person inherits two hemoglobin S genes, designated as hemoglobin SS. This type of sickle cell disease, known as hemoglobin SS, is the most common and often the most severe form.

How We Treat Sickle Cell Disease

The Sickle Cell Cares Comprehensive Program provides exceptional, comprehensive medical care for adult patients with sickle cell disease. We offer cutting-edge care to meet each patient’s individual needs.

Treatment methods include

Comprehensive pain management

We provide multi-level care focused on goal-oriented pain management. Our treatment incorporates physical, mental, and emotional well-being, allowing patients the best possible quality of life. Everyone experiences pain differently, requiring an individualized approach to treatment. These methods can include: medications, lifestyle changes, mindfulness, and other non-pharmacologic options. The Comprehensive Sickle Cell Team works with patients to develop plans that work with their needs to optimize quality of life, safety, and function.


Providers in the Comprehensive SCD Program are experienced in the safe and effective use of sickle cell-specific medications. These drugs are aimed at changing the underlying disease to reduce complications.

Blood transfusions

The Sickle Cell Cares Blood Bank provides safe blood products for more than 65,000 transfusions per year. These products include red-blood cell transfusions for sickle cell disease patients who require them. SCD patients who require red-blood cell exchange on a regular basis receive treatment in a state-of-the-art 19-bed apheresis/infusion unit.


SCD patients have an increased risk of infection by seasonal influenza, pneumococcus, meningococcus, and haemophilus bacteria. These bacteria can cause pneumonia, meningitis, sepsis, and other diseases that can affect breathing, bones, joints, and the nervous system. We aim to reduce the frequency and severity of these infections by providing periodic vaccinations that protect against them.

Frequently Asked Question

We’ve compiled a list of common inquiries to provide you with swift and comprehensive answers. Explore this section to resolve any doubts or concerns you may have.
Sickle cell disease is an inherited blood disorder in which the red blood cells can become crescent shaped like a moon or sickle. Red blood cells should be shaped like a disc that looks like a doughnut with the hole filled. This doughnut shape allows red blood cells to flow freely and survive longer in the blood vessels. Sickle shaped red blood cells do not survive as long as normal red blood cells. They can also clog the blood vessels, blocking blood flow to an organ or tissue. A combination of a low blood count (anemia) and blood vessel blockage is responsible for the complications of sickle cell disease.
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Expert Care for Sickle Cell Disease

Contact Sickle Cell Cares today to access expert care and support for Sickle Cell Disease. Our compassionate team is here to address your inquiries and provide personalized assistance on your journey to improved health. Reach out to us now for a brighter tomorrow.
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